Children's Coordinator: Kenley Garcia
The WCBC Children's Ministry strives to teach children about Jesus through weekly events such as Sunday School and Mission Classes, through annual events like Vacation Bible School, and fun activities like Trunk or Treat and the Back to and End of School Bashes. WCBC Children's Coordinator Kenley Garcia, the Children's Committee, and the many Children's sponsors work tirelessly to ensure WCBC Children learn to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ while bonding with Him and others.
2024 Scuba Vacation Bible School!
Learning about Jesus is FUN!

2024 Bella's Bake Off
Our Annual Bellas bake-off
Thank you to everyone who contributed. Our lunch was delicious and we had a great time together as a church family!

The WCBC family united to help our children and raised $5,686.52 to be applied to summer camp fees. Everyone had a wonderful time as we auctioned off sweet treats many of which were made by the children themselves. Here is a glimps of what you might expect at the next annual Bella's Bake Off.

2022 Children's Christmas Play
“Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Luke 2:14
The Children did an amazing job presenting Hotel Noel Christmas play.
Over the last 2 months they put a lot of work into memorizing lines and practicing songs. We are so proud of each one of these children
The choir did an amazing job and the cast needs to give themselves a pat on the back!

Continue sharing the true meaning of Christmas and the Childrens ministry would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas

Thank you to everyone who helped make this play come to life 

2022 Children's Christmas Party