Walnut Creek Baptist Church was established in 1850 as Walnut Creek Missionary Baptist Church of Christ. Both the Missionary Baptist and Church of Christ congregations used the building giving it the unusual name. Eventually, the name changed to Walnut Creek Baptist Church. The church, located on a hill near Walnut Creek, is still called Walnut Hill by some old-timers.
In 1856 seventeen and one-half acres were surveyed and purchased from Joel Holbert for twenty-five dollars, eighty-seven and one-half cents providing a place for the church and cemetery. Sale of timber funded construction of the first building, possibly made of logs.
During the years surrounding the Civil War, the church enjoyed an integrated congregation and church discipline was exercised without prejudice. The preceding information was borrowed from WCBC minutes, included in an article by D. T. Lloyd, and printed in the Gilmer Mirror about 1970. Lloyd also states that during the Civil War “there seemed to be peace and harmony in the church…”
In August 1867 WCBC entered into a contract with the lowest bidder and construction began. The construction consisted of a foundation made from hand-hewed sills and a facade of ten-inch shiplap siding. The church was sealed in 1913 but never painted.
Ben Wilson bought three acres in 1916 leaving fourteen and one-half acres.
Plans for a new building began in 1922, again selling timber to fund construction. The existing building was demolished in 1928 and lumber was sold to offset the cost. The same hand-hewed sills were used and continue to support the Memorial Chapel. Building continued in 1945 with the addition of four classrooms. The auditorium is all that remains. Walnut Creek Memorial Chapel is often called the old church.
Handmade hardwood pews were bought in 1949. Mrs. Ruth Oliver and Alleene Jones provided a rostrum made by Hugh Oliver. The growing church added four rooms in 1954. Three rooms opened through folding doors into one large Junior Education room and hardwood floors were added throughout. The completion of a well in 1955 made running water available for the first time and one classroom was converted into two restrooms.
The Tom Plummer heirs donated an acre of land, and the church built a three-bedroom brick parsonage with dedication and open house in 1956. Brenda Nicholson purchased the home in 2006, moved it, and cleaned the lot. The area now contains a bus barn approved in 2009.
A lifetime guarantee Cyclone fence enclosed the Cemetery in 1960.
A brick church constructed in 1978 consisted of a large auditorium, baptistery, pastor’s study, fellowship hall, kitchen, two restrooms, eight classrooms, and nursery. The first service in the new church was celebrated on Easter 1978 with dedication in June. Before completion of this building, WCBC celebrated baptismal services at sister churches or nearby ponds often using Otis Jones’ property. After completion of the newest Sanctuary, WCBC converted this auditorium into an activity center now called the Fellowship Hall and the original fellowship hall enlarged the existing kitchen in 2001. Most adult classes now meet in this building.
An additional education building, completed by volunteer labor, included one office, two restrooms, one conference room, and eight classrooms. The building was dedicated in 1981. Known as the children’s wing, it now houses four children’s classes, one large classroom, one library, and three offices one for the Sunday School Director, and two used for storage. A note-burning service recognized a debt-free building in 1985.
The Plummer heirs donated their parent’s home to the church in 1984. It was used as a parsonage for the Youth Director for many years and returned to the family in 2001.
In 1991, the church approved additional education space, building a thirty-two by sixty-four-foot building containing four classrooms, two restrooms, and one large fellowship area. The space, known as the Youth Building, originally designed to accommodate WCBC Youth continued to serve this purpose until 2018 when beautifully remodeled into office space. The conversion was done exclusively by volunteer labor.
In 1991, Children’s Church reported twenty-seven in attendance. Renee Sims’ vision of an age-appropriate worship service for children became reality continuing under the direction of the WCBC Children’s Ministry.
The Susie Smith Sunday School class, under the direction of Mrs. Nell Plummer, began a Food Pantry Ministry about 1992. Stocked with individual donations, the pantry sustains families in crisis by providing groceries and personal hygiene products. Church funding began in 2008.
In 1995 a Historical Committee consisting of Chairman, James Keith, Mrs. Lois Yocom, and Mrs. Nellie Plummer began the process to obtain a historical marker for church property. The marker was unveiled on Homecoming Day, June 1996. An afternoon song and recognition program in the Memorial Chapel commemorated the event with a standing room only crowd.
In 1998, the church approved a new sanctuary with a seating capacity of three hundred and fifty at a projected cost of $200,000. The rising cost of materials and addition of 47,000 square feet of paved parking forced cost adjustment in 2001 bringing the total to $260,000. The church was under the direction of Interim Pastor, Bobby Blaylock, during much of the construction. Three years after approval and under the direction of Pastor Perry Crisp on Easter 2001, members and guests worshipped with a capacity crowd in the new Sanctuary. The building was dedicated on Homecoming Day, 2001 and a note-burning service celebrated a debt-free Sanctuary one year later.
The Ladies' class, under the direction of Mrs. Lois Yocom, began the Homebound Ministry about 1999 making and delivering meals once a month to sick, disabled, and elderly residents. The growing ministry soon exceeded the class’s ability and the church added financial support followed by additional personnel making weekly deliveries possible. Directed by Donna Reagh, the ministry provides up to fifty meals Wednesday afternoons. Plans to expand the ministry giving delivery personnel more time to visit recipients and provide home repair began in 2010.
In 1999, WCBC determined the need for written by-laws and procedures for church operations available to members. Five members were chosen to produce the documents including John McKeehan, Kirk Krienke, Mark Oliver, Scott Tarver, and James Keith. The WCBC By-Laws, Constitution, and Policies Manual were approved in 2000. Although secondary to God’s Word as well as amended periodically, the documents continue to govern WCBC offering members equal service opportunities.
ActSix, a mobile worship ministry led by Senior Adult Minister Gary Hill, began in 2007. The team takes informal corporate worship to individual homes and nursing facilities monthly, delivers fruit baskets for the holidays, and enjoys Christian concerts and rallies.
In 2008 WCBC voted to purchase a bus, a twenty-five-foot Ford Allstar with a gas engine and twenty-five passenger capacity for a total cost of $54,500. In 2009 the church approved the construction of a double capacity bus barn located in place of the now absent parsonage.
In 2010 WCBC met to discuss future building projects. Although not an official business meeting, the church family agreed to evaluate the existing building determining the cost of repair and/or renovation. Shifting foundation and electrical issues were noted areas for resolution. The possibility of renovating the existing space to meet anticipated needs cost-effectively was also to be determined. The resulting decision referred evaluations to the Building and Grounds Committee reporting results to the church.
In 2010 informal discussions on Sunday evenings resulted in the formation of a new and different ministry. Directed by Mark Oliver, WCBC.com (Community Outreach Ministry) was born to minister to surrounding communities by operating concession stands for various sporting events in Diana and Ore City school districts allowing parents precious time to watch their children perform athletically as they mature physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
In 2012, WCBC formed the Mission and OutReach Team led by Marvin Denison, Pastor. The team researches needs and plans mission trips internationally and locally. The first WCBC missionaries were sent out in 2013 and two trips in 2014 to the Village of Hope Orphanage for special needs children in Guatemala. Two more trips are planned for summer 2015 to the same orphanage and another to Kenya Africa.
The Children’s Ministry began the BackPack Program in 2014. This ministry provides backpacks filled with enough nutritional meals to feed a needy family through the weekend and is distributed each Friday through area schools. Children are recommended for the program through area schools as well.
The growth cycle continues in 2015. By order of the church, the Property Expansion Team reconvened charged with three tasks: deciding on a specific building, a specific financial plan, and presenting the completed work to the church for approval.
On September 25, 2016, WCBC called Brother Guy McGraw as Senior Pastor and he served until January 2021. During that time the building formerly known as the youth building was remodeled and converted into office space now housing a large reception/conference area, four private offices for the Senior Pastor, Youth Minister, Children’s Coordinator, and Treasurer. It also serves as a Ladies Sunday School Classroom and hosts events such as wedding and baby showers. Brother Jeremy Randolph (Harmony-Pittsburg Baptist Association Director of Missions) took over as Interim Pastor for six months beginning April of 2021.
July 17, 2022 WCBC called Brother Robbie Jackson as Senior Pastor. 2022 updates to the facilities include new floors, and painting in the Fellowship Hall, painting in the Children’s Wing, kitchen, and nursery, and combining two children’s classrooms into one larger room as well as upgrading the sound system in the sanctuary.
Missionaries supported during 2022 include: The Fleming Family in Kenya Africa, The Block Family in Guatemala at the Village of Hope Orphanage for Special Needs Children, The Troup Family Nigeria Africa, The Mason Family Africa, The Ross Family Ukraine, SBTC Cooperative Program Worldwide, and Outreach Port Arthur.
Summer 2023, WCBC voted to restore the Memorial Chapel (Old White Church) by leveling the foundation and floor, replacing the roof, and painting the entire building.
In 2024 the Cook family missionaries to Montenegro were added. The death of Leah Fleming ended the Fleming family's missionary service and they were removed.
One hundred and sixty-five years ago a few people, committed to the Lord, saw the need for a refuge to worship and draw from His strength. A place of encouragement, support, and direction to accomplish God’s will. Construction, renovation, and expansion continue as the Lord adds Believers to the church that began so very long ago. As those Saints in 1850 could not predict the result of their labors, so we cannot imagine how God will bless our efforts. God is able to do immeasurably, abundantly beyond all that we could ask or think, Ephesians 1:20-21. The purpose of this place continues: to worship God, provide saving knowledge of Jesus, and disciple Believers. Walnut Creek Baptist Church: living for Jesus, loving like Jesus, learning about Jesus and passing the love for and knowledge of Him on to everyone around us.
It’s all about Jesus . . . living, loving, learning, and passing it on to the next generation.
Today is a new beginning for WCBC in fields white unto harvest. We are excited about God’s continuing work. That certain excited expectation of God’s future activity is rewarded by something wonderfully impossible that He accomplishes in, through, around, and sometimes despite us.
The preceding information was taken from the original minutes of Walnut Creek Baptist Church and/or eyewitness accounts and compiled by Mrs. Nell Plummer, Church Clerk, 1955-2002 and Becky Strange (formerly Strong) Ministry Assistant, 2003 to present. The original minutes from 1855 to the present are filed with Walnut Creek Baptist Church. A deacon kept the minutes from 1850-1855. The documents were destroyed when his home burned.
W. H. Gorman was the first WCBC pastor recorded in 1855.
More Recent Pastors:
Berkley Boyd 1974-1981 baptized 134.
Isaac Chaffin 1982-1993 baptized 122.
Ross Worley 1990-1999 baptized 75.
Bobby Blaylock, Interim Pastor 1999-2000 baptized??
Perry Crisp 2000-2008 baptized 175.
John Vassar, Interim Pastor 2009-2010 baptized 34.
Marvin Denison 2011-2015 baptized 123.
Guy McGraw 2016-2021 baptized 14.
Jeremy Randolph, Interim Pastor 2021 baptized 3.
Don Ross Interim Pastor 2022 baptized 4.
Robbie Jackson, 2022-present Baptized 27+.
Kirk Krienke activated 1999
Mark Oliver ordained 2000
Raymond Wright activated 2006
Erasmo Lopez ordained 2006
Micky Kennedy ordained 2019
Greg Pope ordained 2019
Becky Strange ministry assistant hired 2003
Wendy Cummings church treasurer hired 2018
Kenley Garcia children's coordinator hired 2018
Taylor Welch nursery worker hired 2022
Robbie Jackson senior pastor hired 2022
Bobbie Easley custodian hired Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Volunteer Staff
Rick Anderson praise team leader beginning 2011
Kenneth Nolley praise team and pianist beginning 2013
Kerry Sue Krienke pianist beginning 2021
Nelda Smith pianist beginning 2021
Rebecca Martin sound technician beginning 2023
Jeffery Boyd prise team beginning 2022
Brookly DeSomer praise team beginning 2024
Aaron Weatherman sound technician beginning 2024